A Business Proposal is a lighthearted Korean drama that explores the relationship between a businessman and his employee. Based on a popular webtoon, this series follows the lives of several characters, including a blind date densipaper that Ha Ri and Kang Tae Moo attend. It features a romantic storyline and perfectly synchronized love pairings. This show will leave viewers with a case of heart flutters, and the performances by the lead actors are absolutely hilarious.
One of the best things about this Kdrama is that it has a great coming-of-age story, complete with blissful moments and difficult moments. This makes it incredibly relatable for adults. The main character, Ahn Hyo-Seop, has an acting style that is 180 degrees different from his character in Business Proposal. He can be stern, but also sweet and vulnerable. You can watch this Kdrama on Netflix.
A Business Proposal Kdrama is based on a webtoon magazines2day and web novel and is a romantic comedy-drama. Ahn Hyo-Seop stars as Kang Tae-Moo, a businessman who falls in love with Shin Ha-Ri, and Kim Sejeong plays the woman he is madly in love with.
While some viewers may think this is a cliche, Business Proposal is far from it. It started as a webtoon and has already been picked up by Netflix. In fact, the web getliker novel has been viewed more than 450 million times online, and this Korean drama looks set to be one of the most popular K-dramas in 2022.
‘Business Proposal’ premieres on SBS TV in February 2022. Based on the webtoon, the drama follows an office worker who meets a chaebol’s CEO on a blind date. The ‘business proposal’ series stars Ahn Hyo Seop and Kim Sejeong, and was lifestylemission written by Han Seol-hee. It’s produced by Cross Pictures, which previously produced ‘Sound of the Heart’.
Another interesting detail about “A Business Proposal” is that it features BTS. The Korean pop group made an appearance in the ventsmagazine drama as a special guest. BTS Jungkook’s choreography and hairstyle in “Blood, Sweet, and Tears” were similar to those seen in the Kdrama. This made the Kdrama more popular among fans.